When you suppress your symptoms with drugs, you inadvertently drive the disease inward, meaning that you are sowing seeds for deeper problems in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a medical system developed by Samuel Hahnemann in Germany in the late 18th century, and used widely throughout the 19th century. It is currently re-emerging in popularity thanks to its safe, holistic nature, and its effectiveness in treating a multitude of health issues. The foundation of homeopathy rests on the principle ‘like cures like,’ meaning that a substance that will cause certain symptoms, can cure those symptoms as well. Homeopathy recognizes that all healing is self-healing, and thus the remedies are not trying to remove symptoms, but are actually trying to invoke similar symptoms, thus stimulating the body’s amazing self-healing capacity.

Can homeopathy help me?
The short answer to this question is, yes! Any health concern, from diagnosed conditions such as asthma, arthritis, or high blood pressure, to normal life phases like childhood teething and menopause, and on to difficult-to-treat illnesses such as fibromyalgia or autism, can be helped – sometimes even
cured – with homeopathic care. Beyond that, homeopathy is particularly good at addressing issues that mainstream medicine cannot, either because the problem does not have an easy, straightforward diagnosis, or because traditional medicine’s only solution is to mask the symptoms with powerful drugs, which usually have the eventual effect of worsening your health.

Tell me about homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathic remedies are made from natural materials such as plants, animals, and minerals. The big difference between homeopathics and herbal tinctures or pharmaceuticals is that homeopathic remedies have been diluted to the point that in many cases there is no material substance left.

If remedies are highly diluted, how can they possibly work?
In addition to being diluted, remedies are vigorously shaken, and it seems that this shaking, known as succussion, leaves an electromagnetic imprint of the original substance in the solution. This means that homeopathy – like acupuncture – is basically an energy medicine. Just as a headache is not caused by a lack of aspirin or ibuprofen, all symptoms arise when our energy is not flowing at its peak. In homeopathy, the term we use for human energy (also known as chi or prana), is vital force.

How does our vital force get weakened?
That’s an easy one! Life circumstances can profoundly affect our vitality. Day to day stresses and traumas weaken our life force, leading to lower levels of health. The sources of these stresses and traumas can be emotional, such as difficult relationships, grief, or frustration. They can be physical, such as an injury, repetitive motion, or lack of exercise. Frequently they are physiological such as poor nutrition or chemical exposures, possibly from over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, or vaccinations. Last, but certainly not least, our genetic inheritance also has a profound influence on our health. A well-indicated homeopathic remedy can restore balance and thus vitality. Of course personal choices regarding lifestyle must also be addressed, but that is easier to do when there has been an initial restoration of health and well-being.

How can homeopathy help with grief, or lack of exercise?
Certain remedies actually stimulate feelings of sadness, such as those associated with grief, and can definitely help someone experiencing this emotion find harmony and balance. In the case of someone who does not exercise, the correct homeopathic remedy can stimulate their health enough to spark an interest in becoming more active physically. Homeopathy is able to integrate mental, emotional, and physical symptoms, and stimulate healing on every plane. That is because the remedies are tested on healthy human subjects, who are able to document changes in their thinking and feeling, in addition to physical symptoms. Homeopathic remedies are never tested on animals (although they can be used very effectively to treat animals).

Can homeopathy do anything about our genetic predisposition?
This is where homeopathy surpasses any other modality! A well-trained homeopath will closely examine each patient’s family history, not simply to know what diseases to watch out for, as in a typical medical practice, but in an effort to prevent these diseases from ever taking hold. Not only that, it can strengthen the genes of young people, so that when they have children of their own they will be less likely to pass weaknesses along to them. That is why it is so important to treat children, adolescents, and young adults.

How much does it cost?

The cost for your initial consultation, remedy, and seven weeks of follow-up communication and care is $275.

Follow-up visits are charged based on the length of the visit, typically $75 for 60 minutes.

Unfortunately, none of these fees are covered by insurance.

What is the next step?

Fill out a form for an adult or a child up to age 17.